A Broadkastr-branded van parked in front of the Port House in Antwerp.

Find us at the office

📍 Kolonel Begaultlaan 11, 3012 Leuven, Belgium
📞 016 79 15 21

Service area

Born in Leuven, global ambitions. Currently, we are servicing all of Belgium (including major cities like Ghent, Brussels, and Antwerp), though we are happy to venture outside our borders for larger projects. Unsure if you are within our reach? Give us a quick call or contact us below!

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Our signature
Big enough to deliver, small enough to care. That's our secret sauce.
Trusted by companies and organizations across Belgium.
The logo of VRTThe logo of imec.xpandThe logo of EIT Food (co-funded by the European Union)The logo of Sylvester.The logo of Radio 2, one of our clients, with a gray-scale effect applied.The logo of TEDx KU Leuven.The logo of, one of our clients.The logo of Leuven Slush'DThe logo of MEDVIAThe logo of KU Leuven